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Soutien du chagrin
Tony (Tonito) Velez
Né àNew York
14 years
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L'arbre Généalogique
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
"always on my mind; forever in my heart." sending lots of love 2 heaven! good night & sweet dreams! ~hugs
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
His life is a beautiful memory His death is a silent grief He sleeps in Gods Heavenly garden In sunshine of perfect peace.
Titi Rosie
Thinkin of you and missing you lots! Big Beso & Lots of Hugs!!!
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
It's just a little, But means a lot, To say dear friend, I haven't forgot.
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
Tonito, I said a prayer 4 U 2day, God must have heard, I felt the answer N my heart, He spoke no word. ((Hugs 2 ur family))
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
A gift for such a little while, your loss just seems so wrong, you should not have left before us, it’s with loved ones you belong
Titi Rosie
Hi my baby its been a while since i've visited u but as u know i've been away. ur always in my thoughts & heart. BESO
Lupe Lopez ~Gabe's mom~
A silent thought a secret tear, keeps ur memory ever dear, God took U home, it was His will, but in our hearts U live still. Hugs
Tyler lil brother
Hey Tontio miss you big brother. I remember when you would call me "Tylee" Love You
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
The Lord loves the just & will not forsake his faithful ones. They will be protected forever! Psalms 37:28
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Have a beautiful day in Heaven! Thinkin of you with Love! ~HUGS~
Titi Rosie
Hi there my lil prince. U r truly so missed by all. I love u so very much! Keep watching over us. Muuuaah
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